MetStröm Conference 2011 on Multiple Scales in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology

Wann 06.06.2011 08:00 bis
10.06.2011 18:00
Wo Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Name Rupert Klein, Thomas von Larcher
Kontakt-Telefon 0049-(0)30-838-75415
Termin zu Ihrem Kalender hinzufügen  vCal

In line with the goals and direction of the MetStröm priority research program, this conference will cover contributions from Meteorology, Fluid Dynamics, and Applied Mathematics to the development of model-adaptive as well as grid-adaptive numerical simulation concepts. Of particular interest will be combinations of scale-dependent (mathematical) descriptions of key physical processes with adaptive flow discretization schemes. Specifically, this will include deterministic continuous approaches as well as discrete and/or stochastic closures and their interplay in a full model setting. Besides contributions covering theory and methodology of multiscale meteorological and fluid mechanics modelling, presentations concerning experimental or observational evidence that may support model validation are also welcomed.

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