int. Conference 2011
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1276
All participants will have the opportunity to contribute to a sequence of dedicated issues on “Multiple scales in fluid dynamics and meteorology” (tentative title) of the Springer journal for “Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics” (TCFD). These will be the issues no’s 1-3 of 2012, to be published during the first half of the year (2012).
Presenters who do want to take advantage of this publishing opportunity should be ready to provide a top-quality, full-length (ca. 20 pages) research or review paper perferably related closely to their conference presentation. Deadline for paper submission is July 31st, 2011. There will be regular peer reviews, and the papers will count as regular contributions to TCFD.
It might be of interest that TCFD’s impact factor has recently matched that of JFM.
There will be no standard conference proceedings.