
There are 190 references in this bibliography folder.


Riechelmann,; Wacker,; Beheng,; Etling,; Raasch,

Influence of turbulence on the drop growth in warm clouds, Part II: sensitivity studies with a spectral bin microphysics and a Lagrangian cloud model (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Schlegel,; Stiller,; Bienert,; Maas,; Queck,; Bernhofer,

Large-Eddy Simulation Study of the Effects on Flow of a Heterogeneous Forest at Sub-tree Resolution (Article)

Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 154, Page(s): 27-56, 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)


Jasor,; Wacker,; Beheng,; Polifke,

Modeling artifacts in the simulation of the sedimentation of raindrops with a Quadrature Method of Moments (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 23, 4, Page(s): 369-385, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von Harlander U., Larcher Th. Wright Hoff Alexandrov; Egbers,

Orthogonal decomposition methods to analyze PIV, LDA and thermography data of a thermally driven rotating annulus laboratory experiment (Book)

., ., ., 2014.


Bienert,; Richter,; Stelling,; Maas,

3D-Vegetationsmodell aus Laserscannerdaten für forstmeteorologische Anwendungen am Beispiel des TurbEFA-Projektes (Presentation)

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Ziemer,; Wacker,

A Comparative Study of B , Γ and Log Normal Distributions in a Three Moment Parameterization for Drop Sedimentation (Article)

Atmosphere, 5, 3, Page(s): 484-517, 2014.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

von Larcher T., Beck Klein Horenko Metzner Ph. Waidmann Igdalov Gassner Munz

A Framework for the Stochastic Modelling of Subgrid Scale Fluxes for Large Eddy Simulation (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2014.


Metzner, Ph.; Waidmann,; Igdalov,; von Larcher,; Horenko,; Klein,; Beck,; Gassner,

A stochastic closure approach for LES with application to turbulent channel flow. Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IX (Article)



Yelash,; Müller,; Lukacova-Medvidova,; Giraldo,; Wirth,

Adaptive discontinuous evolution Galerkin method for dry atmospheric flow (Article)

Journal of Computational Physics, 268, Page(s): 106 -133, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von Vincze M., Harlander Larcher Egbers

An experimental study of regime transitions in a differentially heated baroclinic annulus with flat and sloping bottom topographies (Article)

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Manuscript No.: npg-2013-110, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von M. Vincze S. Borchert, Achatz Th. Larcher Baumann Hertel Remmler Beck Alexandrov Egbers Fröhlich Heuveline Hickel; Harlander,

Benchmarking in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

C. Ziemer, Wacker

Editor View of Item: A Comparative Study of B-, Γ- and Log-Normal Distributions in a Three-Moment Parameterization for Drop Sedimentation (Article)

Atmosphere, 5, 3, Page(s): 484-517, 2014, ISBN: 2073-4433.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Siewert,; Bordás,; Wacker,; Beheng,; Kunnen,; Meinke,; Schröder,; Thévenin,

Influence of turbulence on the drop growth in warm clouds, Part I: comparison of numerically and experimentally determined collision kernels (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 23, 4, Page(s): 397 -410, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von Larcher T., Dörnbrack

Numerical simulations of baroclinic driven flows in a thermally driven rotating annulus using the immersed boundary method (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2014.


Muraschko J., Fruman Achatz Hickel Toledo

On the application of WKB theory for the simulation of the weakly nonlinear dynamics of gravity waves (Article)

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Ziemer,; Jasor,; Wacker,; Beheng,; Polifke,

Quantitative comparison of presumed number density and quadrature moment methods for the parameterisation of drop sedimentation (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 23, 4, Page(s): 411-423, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bauer W., Baumann Scheck Gassmann Heuveline Jones

Simulation of tropical-cyclone-like vortices in shallow-water ICON-hex using goal-oriented r-adaptivity (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 28, 1, Page(s): 107-128, 2014, ISSN: Print: 0935-4964; Online: 1432-2250.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Remmler S., Hickel

Spectral eddy viscosity of stratified turbulence (Article)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Th. von Larcher R. Klein, Horenko Metzner Waidmann Igdalov Beck Gassner; C.-D. Munz,

Towards a stochastic closure approach for Large Eddy Simulation (Article)

in: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 77 and 78, Page(s): 883-890 , 2014, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-319-06402-4.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Queck,; Bernhofer,; Bienert,; Eipper,; Goldberg,; Harmansa,; Hildebrand,; Maas,; Schlegel,; Stiller,

TurbEFA: an interdisciplinary effort to investigate the turbulent flow across a forest clearing (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 1, 2014.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Queck,; Bernhofer,; Goldberg,; Harmansa,; Bienert,; Maas,; Schlegel,; Stiller,; Eipper,; Hildebrand,

TurbEFA: Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zur Untersuchung der turbulenten Strömung an einer Waldlichtung (Presentation)

(Abstract | BibTeX)


Benacchio T., O'Neill; Klein,

A blended soundproof-to-compressible numerical model for atmospheric dynamics (Article)

Monthly Weather Review, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Rieper F., Hickel Achatz

A conservative integration of the pseudo-incompressible equations with implicit turbulence parameterization (Article)

Monthly Weather Review, 141, 3, Page(s): 861–886, 2013, ISSN: Online: 1520-0493; Print: 0027-0644 .

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Kanda M., Inagaki Miyamoto Gryschka; Raasch,

A New Aerodynamic Parameterization for Real Urban Surfaces (Article)

Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 148, Page(s): 357-377, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

A. Kacimi, Khouider

A numerical investigation of the barotropic instability on the equatorial β-plane (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 491-512, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Baldauf M., Brdar

An analytic solution for linear gravity waves in a channel as a test for numerical models using the non-hydrostatic, compressible Euler equations (Article)

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

H. Schmidt A. R. Kerstein, Wunsch Nédélec Sayler

Analysis and numerical simulation of a laboratory analog of radiatively induced cloud-top entrainment (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 377-395, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

B. Kumar J. Schumacher, Shaw

Cloud microphysical effects of turbulent mixing and entrainment (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 361-376, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Müller,; Behrens,; Giraldo,; Wirth,

Comparison between adaptive and uniform discontinuous Galerkin simulations in dry 2D bubble experiments (Article)

Journal of Computational Physics, 235, Page(s): 371-393, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

S. Brdar M. Baldauf, Dedner Klöfkorn

Comparison of dynamical cores for NWP models: comparison of COSMO and Dune (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 453-472, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

S. N. Stechmann A. J. Majda, Skjorshammer

Convectively coupled wave–environment interactions (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 513-532, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Remmler S., Fruman Hickel

Direct numerical simulation of a breaking inertia-gravity wave (Article)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722, Page(s): 424-436, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bordás R., Roloff CH. Thévenin Shaw

Experimental determination of droplet collision rates in turbulence (Article)

New Journal of Physics, 15, 045010 , 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

M. Braack N. Taschenberger, (To Appear)

Hierarchical a posteriori residual based error estimators for bilinear finite elements (Article)

Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., 10, 2, Page(s): 466-480, 2013.


I. D. Borcia, Harlander

Inertial waves in a rotating annulus with inclined inner cylinder: comparing the spectrum of wave attractor frequency bands and the eigenspectrum in the limit of zero inclination (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 397-413, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

T. Seelig U. Harlander, Faulwetter Egbers

Irregularity and singular vector growth of the differentially heated rotating annulus flow (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 415-432, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

D. O. Lignell A. R. Kerstein, Sun Monson

Mesh adaption for efficient multiscale implementation of one-dimensional turbulence (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 273-295, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

R. Bordás V. John, Schmeyer Thévenin

Numerical methods for the simulation of a coalescence-driven droplet size distribution (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 253-271, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Kunnen,; Siewert,; Meinke,; Schröder,; Beheng,

Numerically determined geometric collision kernels in spatially evolving isotropic turbulence relevant for droplets in clouds (Article)

Atmospheric Research, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

R. P. J. Kunnen C. Siewert, Meinke Schröder Beheng

Numerically determined geometric collision kernels in spatially evolving isotropic turbulence relevant for droplets in clouds (Article)

Atmospheric Research, 127, Page(s): 8–21, 2013, ISSN: 0169-8095.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

G. J. Gassner, Beck

On the accuracy of high-order discretizations for underresolved turbulence simulations (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 221-237, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

C. Siewert R. P. J. Kunnen, Meinke; Schröder,

Orientation Statistics and Settling Velocity of Ellipsoids in Decaying Turbulence (Article)

Atmospheric Research, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)


Preface: multiple scales in fluid dynamics and meteorology (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 219-220, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Links | BibTeX)

Y. Frenkel A. J. Majda, Khouider

Simple models for the diurnal cycle and convectively coupled waves (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 533-559, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

B. Khouider, Han

Simulation of convectively coupled waves using WRF: a framework for assessing the effects of mesoscales on synoptic scales (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 473-489, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Scheck L., Jones; Heuveline,

Singular Vectors for barotropic, hurricane-like vortices in horizontal shear: Structure and perturbation growth mechanisms (Article)

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, ISSN: Online: 1520-0469 Print: 0022-4928 .

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

S. Remmler, Hickel

Spectral structure of stratified turbulence: direct numerical simulations and predictions by large eddy simulation (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 319-336, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

S. I. Dolaptchiev U. Achatz, Timofeyev

Stochastic closure for local averages in the finite-difference discretization of the forced Burgers equation (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 297-317, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

E. Dietze J. P. Mellado, Stevens Schmidt

Study of low-order numerical effects in the two-dimensional cloud-top mixing layer (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 239-251, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

T. v. Larcher A. Fournier, Hollerbach

The influence of a sloping bottom endwall on the linear stability in the thermally driven baroclinic annulus with a free surface (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 433-451, 2013, ISBN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

J. Schröttle, Dörnbrack

Turbulence structure in a diabatically heated forest canopy composed of fractal Pythagoras trees (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 3-4, Page(s): 337-359, 2013, ISSN: 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Klein R., Benacchio; O'Neill,

Using the sound-proof limit for balanced data initialization (Article)


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)


Mukhopadhyay,; Carneiro,; Jasor,; Polifke,

A Comparative Assessment of Presumed Function Method of Moments and Quadrature Method of Moments for Simulation of Polydisperse Flows (Conference)

XXIII ICTAM - - International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012.

(Links | BibTeX)

Park S.B., Baik Raasch; Letzel,

A large-eddy simulation study of thermal effects on turbulent flow and dispersion in and above a street canyon (Article)

J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 5, Page(s): 829-841, 2012, ISSN: Online: 1558-8432 Print: 1558-8424 .

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Riechelmann T., Noh; Raasch,

A new method for large-eddy simulations of clouds with Lagrangian droplets including the effects of turbulent collision (Article)

New Journal of Physics, 14, 065008, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Metzner Ph., Putzig Horenko

Analysis of persistent nonstationary time series and applications (Article)

Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 7, 2, Page(s): 175–229, 2012.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Kumar,; Schumacher,; Shaw,

Cloud microphysical effects of turbulent mixing and entrainment (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 162, 2012, ISSN: Print: 0935-4964; ; Online: 1432-2250.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Brdar S., Baldauf Dedner Klöfkorn

Comparison of dynamical cores for NWP models (Article)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 162, 2012, ISSN: Print: 0935-4964 Online:1432-2250.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Remmler S., Hickel

Direct and large-eddy simulation of stratified turbulence (Article)

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 35, Page(s): 13–24, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bipin Kumar Florian Janetzko, Jörg Schumacher; Shaw, Raymond

Extreme responses of a coupled scalar–particle system during turbulent mixing (Article)

New Journal of Physics, 14, Page(s): 21, 2012, ISSN: 1367-2630.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

F. Schlegel J. Stiller, Bienert Maas Queck; Bernhofer,

Large-Eddy Simulation of inhomogeneous canopy flows using high resolution terrestrial laser scanning data (Article)

Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 142, Page(s): 223-243, 2012.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Letzel M.O., Helmke Ng; An X., Lai; Raasch,

LES case study on pedestrian level ventilation in two neighbourhoods in Hong Kong (Article)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21, 6, Page(s): 575-589, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

R. Bordás v. John, Schmeyer; Thévénin,

Measurement and Simulation of a Droplet Population in a Turbulent Flow Field (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

John,; Thein,

On the efficiency and robustness of the core routine of the quadrature method of moments (QMOM) (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Ziemer,; Wacker,

Parameterisation of the Sedimentation of Raindrops with Finite Maximum Diameter (Article)

Monthly Weather Review, 140, 5, Page(s): 1589-1602, 2012, ISSN: 1520-0493 .

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Ziemer,; Wacker,

Parameterisation of the Sedimentation of Raindrops with Finite Maximum Diameter (Article)

Monthly Weather Review, 140, 5, Page(s): 1589 -1602, 2012, ISSN: Online: 1520-0493 Print : 0027-0644.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Mukhopadhyay A., Jasor Polifke

Simulation of Pure Sedimentation of Raindrops using Quadrature Method of Moments (Article)

J. Atmospheric Research, 106, Page(s): 61–70, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

M. Braack J. Lang, Taschenberger

Stabilized finite elements for transient flow problems on varying spatial meshes (Article)

Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng, accepted, 2012.



Dedner,; Klöfkorn,

A Generic Stabilization Approach for Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Jasor,; Wacker,; Beheng,; Polifke,

Application of Quadrature Method of Moments for Sedimentation and Coagulation of Raindrops (Conference)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Brdar S., Dedner Klöfkorn

Compact and Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Application to Atmospheric Flows (Article)

Computational Methods in Science and Engineering : Proceedings of the Workshop SimLabs@KIT, Page(s): 109-116, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-86644-693-9.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

S. Brinkop C. Kamm, Grewe Jöckel Reich Stenke Sausen Shin; Yserentant,

Development of a Lagrangian Dynamical Core for Climate Models (LagKern) (Article)



R. Bordás T. Hagemeier, Wunderlich; Thévenin,

Droplet Collisions and Interaction with the Turbulent Flow within a Two-Phase Wind Tunnel (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

M. Braack E. Burman, Taschenberger

Duality based a posteriori error estimation for quasi periodic solutions using time averages (Article)

SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 33, Page(s): 2199-2216, 2011, ISSN: 1064-8275.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Denise Hertwig Bernd Leitl,; Schatzmann, Michael

Organized turbulent structures –- Link between experimental data and LES (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

S. Jebens O. Knoth, Weiner

Partially Implicit PeerMethods for the Compressible Euler Equations (Article)



Uwe Harlander Thomas von Larcher, Yongtai Wang; Egbers, Christoph

PIV- and LDV-measurements of baroclinic wave interactions in a thermally driven rotating annulus (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

U. Harlander J. Wenzel, Alexandrov Wang; Egbers,

Simultaneous PIV- and thermography-measurements of partially blocked flow in a differentially heated rotating annulus (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

R. Queck A. Bienert, Maas Hermansa Goldberg; Bernhofer,

Wind fields in heterogeneous conifer canopies: parameterisation of momentum absorption using high-resolution 3D vegetation scans (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


A. Dedner R. Klöfkorn, Nolte; Ohlberger,

A generic interface for parallel and adaptive discretization schemes: Abstraction principles and the DUNE-FEM module (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

W. Huang L. Kamenski,; Lang,

A new anisotropic mesh adaption method based upon hierarchical a posteriori error estimates (Article)



Ullmann,; Lang,

A POD-Galerkin reduced model with updated coefficients for smagorinsky LES (Article)



Gottmeier,; Lang,

Adaptive two-step peer methods for thermally coupled incompressible flow (Article)



A. Müller J. Behrens, Giraldo; Wirth,

An adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for modeling cumulus clouds (Article)



S Brdar, Dedner; Klöfkorn,

CDG Method for Navier-Stokes Equations (Article)



S. Brdar A. Dedner,; Klöfkorn,

Compact and stable Discontinuous Galerkin methods for convection-diffusion problems (Article)



Queck, Ronald; Bernhofer, Christian

Constructing wind profiles in forests from limited measurements of wind and vegetation structure. (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

K. Alexandrov U. Harlander,; Egbers,

Definition und Vergleich von Zuständen eines rotierenden Zylinderspalts unter Betrachtung skalenseparierter Strömungsstrukturen (Inproceeding)

in der Strömungsmesstechnik., 18th Fachtagung Lasermethoden (Ed.): Page(s): 50-1, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-9805613-6-5.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

S. Brinkop V. Grewe, Sausen Stenke Yserentant; Reich,

Entwicklung eines Lagrangeschen dynamischen Kerns für Klimamodelle (Article)



Hertel,; Fröhlich,

Error reduction in LES via adaptive moving grids (Article)



Baumann, Martin; Heuveline, Vincent

Evaluation of Different Strategies for Goal Oriented Adaptivity in CFD - Part I: The Stationary Case (Article)



R. Bordás T. Hagemeier,; Thévenin,

Experimental Investigation of Droplet-Droplet Interactions (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


Finite element approach to clustering of multidimensional time series (Article)



I. Bastigkeit R. Fischer, Leitl; Schatzmann,

Fundamental quality requirements for the generation of LES specific validation data sets from systematic wind tunnel model experiments (Article)



R. Fischer I. Bastigkeit, Leitl; Schatzmann,

Generation of spatio-temporally high resolved datasets for the validation of LES-models simulating flow and dispersion phenomena within the lower atmospheric boundary layer (Article)



Achatz,; Klein,; Senf,

Gravity waves, scale asymptotics, and the pseudo-incompressible equations (Article)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics,, 663:120-147., 2010.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

M. Baumann V. Heuveline,; et al,

Hiflow3 - A Flexible and Hardware-Aware Parallel Finite Element Package (Article)




Large Eddy Simulation horizontaler Konvektionswalzen in der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht (Article)



Hertel,; Fröhlich,

Large-Eddy Simulation with adaptive refinement for the flow over periodic hills (Article)



S. Jebens O. Knoth, Arnold; Weiner,

Linearly implicit peer methods for the compressible Euler equations (Article)



D. Ruprecht R. Klein,; Majda,

Modulation of Internal Gravity Waves in a Multiscale Model for Deep Convection on Mesoscales (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

M. Schlegel O. Knoth, Arnold; Wolke,

Numerical solution of multiscale problems in atmospheric modeling (Article)




On clustering of non-stationary meteorological time series (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Horenko,; Schütte,

On Metastable Conformational Analysis of Nonequilibrium Biomolecular Time Series (Article)




On the Identification of Nonstationary Factor Models and Their Application to Atmospheric Data Analysis (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

D. Hertwig B. Leitl,; Schatzmann,

Organized turbulent structures –- The link between experimental data and LES modeling (Article)




Parameter identification in nonstationary Markov chains with external impact and its application to computational sociology (Article)



L. Putzig I. Horenko,; Metzner,

Persistent BV-clustering of non-stationary time series and its application to analysis of financial and biological data (Article)



A. Bienert R. Stiel, Queck; Maas,

Photogrammetrische Bestimmung von statischen und dynamischen Verformungsstrukturen an Einzelbäumen (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

L.G.M. de Souza G. Janiga, John; Thévenin,

Reconstruction of a distribution from a finite number of moments with an adaptive spline-based algorithm (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

R. Klein U. Achatz, Bresch; Knio,

Regime of Validity of Sound-Proof Atmospheric Flow Models (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Dedner,; Klöfkorn,

Stabilization for discontinuous Galerkin methods applied to systems of conservation laws (Article)




The dynamics of orographic banner clouds (Article)



L. Scheck S. Jones,; Juckes,

The Resonant Interaction of a Tropical Cyclone and a Tropopause Front in a Barotropic Model - Part I: Zonally-oriented front (Article)



L. Scheck S. Jones,; Juckes,

The Resonant Interaction of a Tropical Cyclone and a Tropopause Front in a Barotropic Model - Part II: Frontal waves (Article)



R. Queck A. Bienert,; Eipper,

Turbulente Austauschprozesse zwischen Waldflächen und der Atmosphäre (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

T. von Larcher U. Harlander,; Egbers,

Untersuchungen von Welleninteraktionen in einer thermisch getriebenen, rotierenden Zylinderspaltströmung mittels LDA und Thermographie (Article)

2010, ISBN: 978-3-9805613-6-5.


A. Bienert K. Pech,; Maas,

Verfahren zur Registrierung von Laserscannerdaten in Waldbeständen (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

A. Bienert R. Queck, Schmidt Bernhofer; Maas,

Voxel space analysis of terrestrial laser scans in forests for wind field modelling (Article)




R. Bordas K. Hanke, Bencs; Thévenin,

2D-PIV Measurements in a Two-Phase Wind Tunnel Normal to the Main Flow (Article)



S. Hickel D.A. von Terzi,; Fröhlich,

An adaptive local deconvolution method for general curvilinear coordinate systems (Article)



J. P Mellado B. Stevens, Schmidt; Peters,

Analysis of latent heat effects in the cloud-top mixing layer (Article)



Juan P Mellado Heiko Schmidt, Bjorn Stevens; Peters, Norbert

Analysis of the cloud top mixing layer using DNS (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Klein, Rupert

Asymptotics, structure, and integration of sound-proof atmospheric flow equations (Article)



Juan P Mellado Bjorn Stevens, Heiko Schmidt; Peters, Norbert

Buoyancy reversal in the cloud-top mixing layer (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

R. Queck A. Bienert,; Harmansa,

Calculating advective fluxes in tall canopies – Towards better wind speed distribution using 3D vegetation scans in high resolution. (Conference)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

E Audusse R Klein,; Owinoh,

Conservative Discretization of Coriolis Force (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

M. Giorgetta T. Hundertmark, Korn Reich; Restelli,

Conservative Space and Time Regularizations for the ICON Model (Article)

2009, ISSN: 1614-1199.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

D. Hertwig I. Bastigkeit, Leitl; Schatzmann,

Detecting coherent flow structures within and above a simplified urban roughness (Article)



M. Dumbser G. Gassner,; Munz,

Discontinuous Galerkin-Verfahren für zeitabhängige Advektions-Diffusions-Gleichungen (Article)



Juan P Mellado Heiko Schmidt, Bjorn Stevens; Peters, Norbert

DNS of the turbulent cloud-top mixing layer (Article)



U. Harlander R. Faulwetter, Alexandrov; Egbers,

Estimating local instabilities from data with application to geophysical flows (Article)

2009, ISBN: 3-642-03084-X.


Queck,; Bienert,

Estimation of PBL model parameters from high resolution vegetation scans (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Schatzmann, Michael; Leitl, Bernd

Evaluation of Numerical Flow and Dispersion Models for Applications in Industrial and Urban Areas (Article)



A. Swart L.R.M. Maas, Harlander; Manders,

Experimental observation of strong mixing due to internal wave focusing over sloping terrain (Article)



Stefan Jebens Oswald Knoth,; Weiner, Rüdiger

Explicit Two-Step Peer Methods for the Compressible Euler Equations (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

A. Gerisch J. Lang, Podhaisky; Weiner,

High-order linearly implicit two-step peer-finite element method for time-dependent PDEs (Article)



A. Stenke M. Dameris, Grewe; Garny,

Implications of Lagrangian transport for simulations with a coupled chemistry-climate model (Article)



U. Harlander H. Ridderinkhof, Schouten; Ruijter, PM De

Long term observations of transport, eddies, and Rossby waves in the Mozambique Channel (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Bordas,; Thevenin,

Modeling cumulus clouds in a two-phase wind tunnel (Article)



R. Queck A. Bienert,; (2009), Harmansa

Modeling wind fields in tall canopies - towards better momentum distribution using 3D vegetation scans in high resolution (Conference)



Daniel Ruprecht Rupert Klein,; Majda, Andrew



(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von Larcher, Thomas; Klein, Rupert

Multiple Scales in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology - The DFG Priority Programme 1276 MetStröm (Article)



Jörg Wensch Oswald Knoth,; Galant, Alexander

Multirate infinitesimal step methods for atmospheric flow simulation (Article)


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

M. Schlegel O Knoth, Arnold; Wolke,

Multirate Runge-Kutta schemes for advection equations (Article)



Heiko Schmidt Juan P Mellado, Norbert Peters Alan Kerstein; Stevens, Bjorn

Numerical study of buoyancy reversal in stably stratified flows (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


On robust estimation of low-frequency variability trends in discrete Markovian sequences of atmospherical circulation patterns (Article)




On structure-preserving persistent clustering of multivariate time series (Article)



Gregor J Gassner Frieder Lörcher, Claus-Dieter Munz; Hesthaven, Jan

Polymorphic nodal elements and their application in discontinuous Galerkin methods (Article)


(Links | BibTeX)

I. Bastigkeit D. Hertwig, Leitl; Schatzmann,

Quality (and quantity) requirements for compiling LES-specific validation data sets from systematic wind tunnel modeling (Article)



Schatzmann, Michael; Britter,

Quality assurance and improvement of micro-scale meteorological models (Article)



S. Brdar A. Dedner, Klöfkorn Kränkel; Kröner,

Simulation of Geophysical Problems with Dune-Fem (Article)



M. Mei B. Leitl, Fischer; Schatzmann,

Systematic analysis of puff dispersion in a semi-idealized urban roughness (Article)



Ch. Franzke I. Horenko, Majda; Klein,

Systematic Metastable Atmospheric Regime Identification in an AGCM (Article)



S. Löbig A. Dörnbrack, Fröhlich Hertel Ch. Kühnlein; Lang,

Towards Large-Eddy Simulation on moving grids (Article)



Rupert Klein K.R. Bates,; Nikiforakis, Nikos

Well Balanced Compressible Cut-Cell Simulation of Atmospheric Flow (Article)




G. Gassner F. Lörcher,; Munz,

A Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme based on a Space-time Expansion II. Viscous Flow Equations in Multi Dimensions (Article)



P. Bastian M. Blatt, Dedner Engwer Klöfkorn Kornhuber Ohlberger; Sander,

A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. II: Implementation and tests in DUNE (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


Adaptive meshes for meteorological applications (Article)



I. Horenko R. Klein, Dolaptchiev; Schütte, Ch.

Automated Generation of Reduced Stochastic Weather Models I: simultaneous dimension and model reduction for time series analysis (Article)



T Hagemeier R Bordas, Bencs Wunderlich; (ed.), Thevenin

Determination of Droplet Size and Velocity Distributions in a Two-Phase Wind Tunnel (Article)



Craig,; Dörnbrack,

Entrainment in Cumulus Clouds: What resolution is cloud resolving? (Article)



Harlander,; Alexandrov,

EULAG: a model system for multiple scale flows (Article)



T. von Larcher J. Patz,; Harlander,

Experiments on baroclinic instability in a differentially heated rotating annulus with inclined bottom (Article)



John, Volker; Schmeyer, Ellen

Finite element methods for time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction equations with small diffusion (Article)



Markus Letzel M Krane,; Raasch, Sigfried

High resolution urban large-eddy simulation studies from street canyon to neighbourhood scale (Article)



Teleaga,; Lang,

Higher-order linearly implicit one-step methods for three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Strokes equations (Article)



S. Tomm D.A. von Terzi,; Fröhlich,

Interaction of the filter and spatial discretisation operators for Large-Eddy Simulation using the Approximate Deconvolution Model (Article)



Illia Horenko Stamen Dolaptchiev, Eliseev Mokhov; Klein, Rupert

Metastable decomposition of high-dimensional meteorological data with gaps (Article)



Pincus, Robert; Stevens, Bjorn

Monte Carlo spectral integration: A consistent approximation for radiative transfer in large eddy simulations (Article)


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

von Larcher, Thomas; Klein, Rupert

Multiscale Problems in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology: the DFG priority programme MetStröm (Article)



J.D. Doyle V. Grubišić, Brown De Wekker Dörnbrack Jiang Mayor; Weissmann,

Observations and Numerical Simulations of Subrotor Vortices during T-REX (Article)



John, Volker; Schmeyer, Ellen

On finite element methods for 3D time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction equations with small diffusion (Article)




On Simultaneous Data-Based Dimension Reduction and Hidden Phase Identification (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Schatzmann, Michael; Leitl, Bernd

Properties of field and wind tunnel boundary layers within and above the urban canopy (Article)

2008, ISBN: 13 978-2-930389-85-0.


Kühnlein,; Dörnbrack,

Scalar advection with adaptive moving meshes (Article)




Stability analysis for linear discretisations of the advection equation (Article)

Journal of Computational Physics, 227(13), 2008.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Vater, Stefan; Klein, Rupert

Stability of a Projection Method for the Zero Froude Number Shallow Water Equations (Article)



Heiko Schmidt Juan P Mellado, Norbert Peters; Stevens, Bjorn

Towards a modular superparameterization for Stratocumulus clouds considering unsteady entrainment (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)

Heiko Schmidt Juan P Mellado, Norbert Peters; Stevens, Bjorn

Towards modular front tracking for Stratocumulus clouds considering unsteady entrainment processes (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


F. Lörcher G. Gassner,; Munz,

A Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme based on a Space-time Expansion I. Inviscid Compressible Flow in One Space Dimension (Article)



P. Bastian M. Blatt, Dedner Engwer Klöfkorn Ohlberger; Sander,

A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. I: Abstract framework (Article)


(Abstract | BibTeX)


Fehlererfassung für die Large Eddy Simulation auf gestreckten Gittern (Article)



Lang,; Verwer,

On Global Error Estimation and Control for Initial Value Problems (Article)



Debrabant,; Lang,

On Global Error Estimation and Control for Parabolic Equations (Article)



U. Harlander T. von Larcher,; Egbers,

Referenzexperiment für Untersuchungen der Dynamik und Koexistenz von grossräumigen und kleinskaligen Strömungsstrukturen am Beispiel barokliner und Schwerewellen (Article)




Vater,; Klein,

Stability of a Projection Method for the Zero Froude Number Shallow Water Equations (Article)




von Harlander U., Larcher Th. Wright Hoff Alexandrov; Egbers,

Orthogonal decomposition methods to analyze PIV, LDA and thermography data of a thermally driven rotating annulus laboratory experiment (Article)

AGU Book Modelling Atmospheric and Oceanic flows: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, 0000.


Benacchio T., O'Neill Klein

A blended soundproof-to-compressible numerical model for atmospheric dynamics (Article)

Monthly Weather Review, 0000.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Siewert C., Kunnen Meinke Schröder

Numerical Investigation of the Combined Effects of Gravity and Turbulence on the Motion of Small and Heavy Particles (Article)

New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and M, 0000.
