DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1276
The objective of the priority programme is to develop innovative and in three involved disciplines equally anchored concepts for the solution of the following research tasks:
Development of closure models for the effects of unresolved scales which
Development of adaptive numerical methods which consider the structure of the equations of fluid dynamics including closure models.
This includes
Realisation of the reference experiments which fit to the stated application spectrum and permit a successful control for the above mentioned developments. Several theoretical-numerically oriented projects form a group round a limited number of reference experiments. With that is meant beside laboratory also numerical experiments for the purposes of direct numerical simulations.
As far as in the main focus also larger scaled meteorological phenomena are regarded from the theoretical-numerical position, observation dates have to be taken into consideration.
A corresponding cooperation has been already agreed with the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and DFG priority programme 1167 ‘Quantitative Precipitation Forecast’.
These research tasks are set in the same manner in a very wide spectrum of uses.
In order to reach a focussing between different single projects in the main task which is necessary for an efficient cooperation, only a limited number of applications relations should be examined in the concrete working programme of the main tasks.